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Reducing cash withdrawal fee

31 March 2023

Dear Clients,

We are pleased to announce the reduction of the cash-out fee for non-cash U.S. dollars and euros, as follows:

- 1.5% of the amount for individuals and legal entities when cashing out from current account;

- for cashing out from Bakai Bank plastic cards through POS-terminals:

1.1 Cards issued by other banks:

- VISA - 5% minimum 5 USD of the amount, without limit; 

- ELKARD/ELKARD-Mir, Mir - issuance in US Dollars. US Dollars - issuance in US Dollars is suspended.

1.2 The friendly network cards (CJSC " KICB", OJSC "Aiyl Bank", CJSC "Bank of Asia", OJSC "Dos-Kredobank", OJSC "Finance Credit Bank KAB", OJSC " Capital Bank"):

- VISA - issuance in USD, US dollars is suspended

- ELKARD/ELKARD-Mir - issuance in US dollars. Issuance in US dollars is suspended.

1.3 OJSC Bakai Bank cards:

- VISA - 1.8% of the amount min 3 USD, no limit;

- ELKARD/ELKARD-Mir - issuance in US Dollars. US dollars is suspended.

Online cash withdrawal from card accounts - 0,3% if card account is replenished in cash. In case of cash deposit by transfer/remittance/purchase of non-cash US dollars - commission 1.8% of cash withdrawal amount, no limit.

